Two lights of our life we have to consider upon:
1. The sun light:
Now, let us examine that we have everything the luxuries, hi-fi living and healthy life, when everything is at our feet and we observe that we cannot find any light appearing from the sun. Can you think of how dark it would be our life inspite of having all these benefits.
2. Vision of Eyes:
Likewise all the benefits of life we have, but we are blind, in such case, if you have the lightness of the sun, it is also useless. Every luxuries we have is also useless to us as we cannot able to see and feel those things around us.
Health is the major factor which affects our well being, whether physically, socially, spiritually or mentally. Once we lose our health, all these means gets void and null. Think of a mentally retarded or handicapped person. Can you imagine their status and their life.
In this issue, I would like you all to know how to maintain a healthy life.