Normally all infants cry for
some or the other reason. In the first month of life, crying is most important
as infants have quite few effective methods for communicating their
requirements. Studies have shown that infants typically show an increase in
their crying level across first three months, with a peak around 6-8 weeks of
age. Since crying is considered as normal communicative signal of a child,
developmental changes in children who cry within the normal range is common.
However, some infants exceed the usual pattern of crying, such as crying for
long, hard and inconsolable during their growth period.
crying refers to the crying that continues for longer than usual time for a
given child after every possible attempt to meet routine need of an infant or
Colic: Excessive crying infants are
often at risk leading to developmental problems. Unexplained, excessive or
persistent crying in the first 3 months of life that occurs in a healthy infant
is labeled as infant colic. Colic is extremely common
and occurs in up to 40 percent of all infants. It usually starts somewhere
between the third and sixth week after birth and ends when a baby is three to
four months of age.
Immunization: Your child may be fussy, cry more than usual, and have a
fever after receiving an immunization, especially diphtheria, tetanus, and pertusis.
Teething symptoms may begin about 3 to 5 days before a tooth breaks the skin, although symptoms are present for 1 to 2 months. The
most common symptoms of teething include swelling, tenderness, or discomfort in
the gums at the site of the erupting tooth, drooling, biting fingers or toys, irritability or
difficult in sleeping.
Constipation: A crying episode
that occurs when passing a stool normally will stop when the stool is passed,
but in severe case crying period extends.
Diaper rash: Irritated skin around the thighs, genitals,buttocks, or abdomen makes a child cry persistently, especially when the
diaper is wet or soiled.
disorders: Some disorders are
uncomfortable but not immediately dangerous to the child.
Such less serious
causes of crying include
· Gastro-esophageal reflux
· Hair wrapped around a finger or toe (hair
· A scratch on the surface of the eye (corneal
abrasion), insect bite,
anal fissure and Otitis.
disorders include:
· A blocked intestine caused by intussusception ( part of the intestine folds into another
section of intestine)
· volvulus (twisting of the intestine),
· Heart failure,
· Meningitis and
· Head injuries that causing bleeding into the
with such severe disorders often have other symptoms (vomiting or fever), which
alert parents regarding presence of serious problem. However, sometimes excessive
crying is itself the first sign.
· Comforting techniques,
such as swing your baby, breast-feeding, or using pacifier after breast-feeding.
· Place a child in a
safe, quiet place and leave alone for 15 to 20 minutes. Sometimes children can
relax and soothe themselves. Be sure to stay close by.
· Talk child to doctor
before giving any nonprescription medicines or herbal remedies as a comfort
measure. Products including alcohol or sugar in them are not recommended to
infants and toddlers.
· Don’t get angry at
your child for crying. Never shake or harm child. Shaking a child in anger or
playing rough, such as throwing a baby up into the air and catching can cause shaken baby syndrome.
Call /visit
pediatrician during the day or night if any of the following occur:
- The baby has cried for more than two hours.
- If crying could be the result of an injury or fall.
- The baby has a fever of ≥100.4ºF (38ºC).
- The infant refuses to eat or drink anything for more than a few hours, vomits excessively, is not urinating well, has bloody stools, or has a change in behavior, including lethargy or decreased responsiveness.
Persistence of crying beyond the first 3
months predicts a higher prevalence of behavioral and emotional disorders in
children with excessive crying than in children without excessive crying. It is
therefore important to offer timely help through developmental counseling,
physiotherapy, or even parent-infant psychotherapy.